Über uns

Über uns

Unlock the future.

Serea was born out of necessity. We firmly believed, and still do for that matter, that the process of locking your bike can be way easier. As passionate cyclists, the team behind Serea shared one vision: how to get rid of that key without compromising on security and convenience.

Our biggest challenge and, at the same time, our mission, was to create a reliable lock that is strong, easy to operate, affordable, and convenient.

If you want to go keyless, you need to go smart. If you go smart, you need a form of battery, or so we were told…

In a world where batteries cause major environmental problems, we wanted to prove that a smart lock doesn’t need a battery. Beyond the environmental issues, we believe it simply doesn’t align with our vision: cycling should reduce stress, not cause it.

Serea stands for Secure, Reliable and Easy.



Durch die Kombination aller Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichen wie Schlossmechanikern, Chip-Ingenieuren, technischen Produktdesignern und vor allem purer Leidenschaft ist es uns gelungen, das erste intelligente Schloss der Welt zu entwickeln, das schlüssellos ist und keine eigene Batterie benötigt!

“Wir haben das intelligente Schloss nicht (neu) erfunden, aber wir haben revolutioniert, wie intelligente Schlösser funktionieren.”

NFC energy harvesting

NFC technology and muscle power are to two ingredients that we use to minimalize the energy requirements and optimize energy transmission so that your lock opens lightning fast and with such a minimal amount of energy (taking a selfie requires more battery).

Eine Marke der pewag goup

Durch die Kombination aller Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichen wie Schlossmechanikern, Chip-Ingenieuren, technischen Produktdesignern und vor allem purer Leidenschaft ist es uns gelungen, das erste intelligente Schloss der Welt zu entwickeln, das schlüssellos ist und keine eigene Batterie benötigt!


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